Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Thinking with your child

(continuation of Lateral thinking series….)

How can the child be encouraged to think in “problem” situations?

As parents, most of us are quick to offer solutions to “problem” situations. Each “problem” situation can be turned into an exercise that enables the child to think on his or her own. You may even simulate situations that let the child think and decide.

Situation 1: You are playing snakes and ladders with your child. The dice is lost or you hide it. Encourage the child to think of the possible ways to play the game. If the child has trouble starting, prompt with an option or two. 1) search for the dice 2) write 1 to 6 in chits and use it in place of the dice 3) buy another dice. 4)create a dice using a cube box ……

Situation 2: Your child is playing in the park and picks up a fight with another child. The immediate reaction is to offer a solution. Why not allow the child to decide ? Support where required with prompts like 1) Go to another park 2) resolve the fight by talking 3) play a game that both children like 4)ignore the child…………

Situation 3 : Your child refuses to share a toy with another child. Instead of coercing the child to share or offering a quick solution, explore several options with your child. 1) give one and take one 2) choose another game that both children would like to share and play 3) choose another day to play together 4)both children play different games on their own 5).........

A simple thumb rule: Stretch your child’s imagination only to the extent the child is comfortable. If your child does not want to offer solutions, so be it!!! Just sow the thought in your child.


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