Wednesday, 26 December 2012

ThinkBag's Second Story Telling Session!!!

ThinkBag's Second Story Telling Session!!!

Here goes our second successful story telling session. This time it was more than a story “telling" session. Children actually became a part of the story, mid-way. How did that happen...? Well, read along and find out. One Sunday morning, Binku, Tinku woke up to find a well-crafted pencil holder made with ice cream sticks...Uncle Dev had made it. He posed a question "What else can you do these ice cream sticks?" The little participants of the session jumped in with answers like" puppet, tree, flower etc". The story moved on with the twins inviting their friends over for an ice cream party but the toy room door gets jammed and they are unable to play with their toys. What do they play with now? As they children sat with sad faces, Binku got a wonderful idea. “we have these ice cream cups. Why can’t we invent our own games and activities with the cups?" Kids loved the idea.
And that's where our story listeners became actors in the story.

The story came live with participants becoming Binku, Tinku' s friends. Soon ideas poured in for what they could play or do with ice cream cups. Build towers with cups; play bowling with cups as the pins. So the kids made a big circle with cups and played jumping in and out without stepping on them. Then they divided into teams and each team built a structure out of their own imagination with the cups. Some made flowers, tunnels, alphabet L, towers and castles. Lo and behold, yet another interesting activity!!!! They were supposed to transport cups from one end of the room to another without using hands. Children came up with all possible ways and within minutes, some kicked, some tried to pile up the cups b/n chin and chest, some wore it like a shoe and moved them to the other end. As a grand finale, children expressed their own creativity and imagination using the cup and came with a master piece!!! They drew many different things on the cup : house, flower patterns, lake with sea creatures, volcanoes, colourful tree, furniture ; the list is endless. There was even a bracelet made of cup! It was a pleasure to watch their enthusiasm and creativity.

Children busy making creative things out of ice-cream cups
Nice bracelet

Some more creativity

Games with ice-cream cups

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